Author Archives: tabcom

Inkscape vector editing for making stickers/decals using a Vinyl Cutter

Next Training Session

Date: Wednesday 12 April 2017
Time: 08:00pm – 10:00pm
Location: (Rangeview) Tolga, QLD
Cost: $90
Subject Inkscape vector editing for making stickers/decals using a Vinyl Cutter


In this hands-on guided training session we will use Inkscape vector editing software to explore how to draw with shapes.  We will trace bitmaps to vector and learn about Path Objects, node editing and Bezier handles.

At the end of the lesson we will use a Highligh HL1351 vinyl cutter to plot a sticker/decal for you to take home!

This 2 hour training session will teach you the basics of vector editing and should give you the confidence to master programs like Adobe Illustrator.

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Inkscape vector editing for making stickers/decals using a Vinyl Cutter was last modified: March 30th, 2017 by tabcom

SGP – Knowledge Base


Microsoft Office 365 (including Microsoft Exchange email)

The following web sites simply take you to the above web site:

Note: is the old ‘Microsoft Hotmail’ free web mail service and not related to Office 365 in any way.  This is somewhat confusing.

HowNow Online

HowNow Edit App and Outlook add-on


Xero Practice Manager

AUSkey is not working when I visit the Australian Tax Office Portal (

Internet browser incompatibility and dependency on either JAVA or a browser extension

AUSkey works best when you use Chrome + download the latest AUSkey browser extension here:

You have to manually go into Chrome > Settings > Extensions and select “enable” to enable the AUSkey extension.

If you want to use Internet Explorer v11 make sure to set JAVA security settings in the Control Panel to ‘Medium’ and possibly add the ATO portal website to the list of site exceptions.

If the login page for the Australian Tax Office Portal shows you one or more AUSkey entries to choose from, it means it is working properly.

If your AUSkey password is not accepted that is a separate matter – passwords cannot be reset; you would need to register a new AUSkey using

Empdupe maker is not working.

The licence of the software is not linked properly.

File > Preferences  > Set the correct path for the licence.
Restart the program.

Everyone in the office is sharing their mail and calendar.  People frequently receive meeting invitations even if they are not invited.

The option “Delegate receives copies of meeting-related messages sent to me” is enabled.

This option is selected by default when you first delegate access to your mail and calendar.  When delegating access to your calendar, make sure to untick this option(!)

If user A is invited to a meeting, delegates X, Y and Z will receive an email stating that user A is invited.  Uses X, Y, and Z can than respond on behalf of user A.  Do not use this option in a small office!

You can change this as follows: Outlook > File > Account Settings button> Delegate Access > Select a delegate > Permissions > Untick.  Repeat for all delegates.

I am not receiving meeting invitations.

Delegation settings error.  Do not use “My delegates only” but stick to the recommended settings.

If you receive the following error when clicking ‘OK’ check your list of delegates and remove any [Not Found] entries before saving:

You can change this as follows: Outlook > File > Account Settings button> Delegate Access.

HowNow Outlook add-on popup form takes 30 seconds to populate the clients list.



Do not use.  Drag and drop emails and attachments to your Desktop and perform a manual upload.

Pending vendor.  A new version of the HowNow outlook add-on is scheduled to become available start of May 2017 and may require testing.

HowNow Online: “Changes to some document details have been detected”

The Edit App is not designed to cope with multiple people editing documents as the same user – because it locks and unlocks the file based on the user that is editing, it could be causing problems if multiple people are trying to edit or open documents under the same user profile.  This may happen when an older computer is being replacecd with a new computer and the HowNow Edit App saved username and password are active on both computers.

Ensure users are not using a shared account; each user is to use a separate account.

Xero invitation sent to new user.  User clicks on the link to accept the invitation and is asked for a password.  There is no password set.  The account is pending activation.  Resetting the password as a Xero administrator is not possible.


Simply click on the “Forgotten your password” link.  You will then receive an email with a link to a web page where you can set a new password.


MYOB Accountants Office (MYOB AO Classic v17.0.2) uses a PDF converter “Amyuni Document Converter”.  When I try to print a financial report I receive the following error:

“Could not initialise PDF printer driver. […]”

“Amyuni Document Converter” printer needs a registration code to link it to MYOB and allow MYOB to print using this printer.  This printer cannot be used by any other software product.  The registration code is either missing or incorrect.  Running “Update MYOB AO Classic” does not re-install the “Amyuni Document Converter” registration code.

1. Go to directory “…\aonet\MYOBAO\Setup”
2. Run Register.bat

Register.bat contains the following line of text:

%AO%\PDF_Converter\Install.exe -s "MYOB AO PDF Generator" -n "MYOB Australia Limited" -c "07EFCDAB01000100AFB3B53DB8065307766FAF2D4AD823CD1516201056E04927E0EA52F404774BA1864CBED00899079B6FA5923A47335FB51A1B11BF068D4B"

If you run this instruction it will re-install the “Amyuni Document Converter” printer including the correct registration code to make it work with MYOB AO Classic v17.0.2.

BGL / SFUND: When I create PDF of docs, it says “the PDF export file is open and needs to be closed down first.”

If the Cairns account generates a PDF and then India wants to do the same, the India account does not have permission to overwrite the PDF that Cairns had generated previously.

Change the permissions of the BGL / SFUND folder such that Users have Modify permissions.

SGP – Knowledge Base was last modified: October 27th, 2017 by tabcom

Inkscape training course material – Using Inkscape for Vinyl Cutting

Always pay attention to the status bar at he bottom of your Inkscape window.  It will tell you exactly what type of object you are working on i.e. Rectangle, Circle, Text, Offset or Path.

Don’t bother setting the size of your document.  When we output to a vinyl cutter only the raw polygon data will be sent.  I deliberately zoom out a bit and start drawing my shapes completely outside the document boundaries.  The document properties do not matter(!)

Step 1 – Prepare content for vinyl cutting

Download the STARWARS font

Create 3 Text Objects:
“This vehicle made the”
“Kessel Run”
“in less than 12 parsecs”

Use capital characters.
Change the font size for “Kessel Run” to a larger size.
The exact absolute size of your text or document does not matter as vector content can be scaled up or down to the output size you want.
I would attempt to always scale proportionally by holding CTRL to maintain aspect ratio.
Change the spacing between letters if you want to ‘stretch’ the text without deforming.

This is how all content needs to be prepared for Vinyl Cutter plotting:

Edit> Select All (or use [CTRL]+[A])
Path > Object To Path

Fill > None
Stroke Path > Black
Stroke Style > 1px

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Inkscape training course material – Using Inkscape for Vinyl Cutting was last modified: April 14th, 2017 by tabcom