Author Archives: tabcom

Koozali – Virtual Private Server – Extending storage (/dev/vda)

If you clone your VPS to a server with a larger disk, or something goes wrong when expanding your available disk space you may have a situation where your root partition on /dev/vda1 is not taking up all the space available.

For example, here we have a root partition of 10G  on a 30G disk  (commands entered are shown starting with #, notable parts in bold):

# df -Th /
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1      ext4  9.7G  2.6G  7.1G  27% /

# fdisk -l /dev/vda | head -1
Disk /dev/vda: 30 GiB, 32212254720 bytes, 62914560 sectors


To expand /dev/vda1 so that it takes up the full 30G available, there are three steps to take:

  1. Take a backup.  While always a good idea, editing the partition table incorrectly will mess up the disk.
  2. Modify the partition table so that /dev/vda1 is 30G in size
  3. Resize the ext3/ext4 partition so that it takes up the new, full size of /dev/vda1

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Koozali – Virtual Private Server – Extending storage (/dev/vda) was last modified: May 9th, 2017 by tabcom

Basic photo editing

Next Training Session

Date: Wednesday 15 March  2017
Time: 08:00pm – 10:00pm
Location: (Rangeview) Tolga, QLD
Cost: $90
Subject Basic photo editing


In this hands-on guided training session we will use ‘Paint .NET’ image editing software to explore how to perform basic image manipulation.  As images often have different dimensions, changing the canvas size (‘cropping’) or scaling the image (‘resizing’) are essential skills.  When editing images for use on web sites you often need to ensure images have identical dimensions (width and height).  The Selection tool allows you to create basic cutouts if resizing or cropping alone are not enough.  Pasting a large image onto a smaller canvas can help to create cutouts to exact dimensions fast and allows for more flexible resizing and cropping.

This 2 hour training session will teach you the basics of image editing and should give you the confidence to master other aspects of photo editing.

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Basic photo editing was last modified: February 8th, 2017 by tabcom

Masonry left-to-right sort order workaround / (solution?)


Many thanks to the people whose hard work as brought us WordPress, the Pinbin responsive theme and the Masonry javascript framework.


I have a WordPress 4.7.1 website.  The website uses the Pinbin responsive theme.  The responsive component is based on the Masonry javascript library.  Masonry stacks individual articles in a grid style layout; the articles are automatically rearranged when the internet browser window is resized.  The result is a pleasing layout where page content is arranged automatically to suit both large screen devices and small screen devices.

WordPress will normally display articles sorted by Publishing date.  The most recent articles will be displayed first.  Using the Pinbin responsive theme based on Masonry, the problem is that the articles appear ‘shuffled’.  The order of the articles appears to be random at first (which is not the case).

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Masonry left-to-right sort order workaround / (solution?) was last modified: February 8th, 2017 by tabcom