Author Archives: tabcom

Notebook / Laptop buying guide


There is a lot to consider when it comes to purchasing a notebook or laptop device.  We have provided a list of key features that may help to select a device that best fits your needs and provides value for money.

Operating system

The very first choice you will have to make, is whether you want to use Apple MacOSX operating system or Microsoft Windows operating system (or for the more adept computer expert there is always Linux to experiment with).  If you own an Apple iPad or Apple iPhone device (running Apple iOS operating system) you will already be somewhat familiar with the Apple ecosystem.  If you have used a Microsoft Windows computer up until now there is a good chance you will want to continue using a computer running the Microsoft Windows operating system.  Either way, the choice is yours.

Form factor

There are a number of different devices that come close to what is considered a laptop or notebook.

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Notebook / Laptop buying guide was last modified: December 3rd, 2015 by tabcom

Diskmaker X

DiskMaker X (formerly Lion DiskMaker) is an application built with AppleScript that you can use with many versions of OS X to build a bootable drive from Mac OS X up to OS X 10.10 Yosemite installer program. As soon as you launch the application, it tries to find the OS X Install program with Spotlight. Then, it proposes to build a bootable install disk and make it look as nice as possible. It’s the easiest way to build an OS X Installer in a few clicks.


Diskmaker X was last modified: August 26th, 2015 by tabcom

Apple MacOSX – Print screen

Take a screenshot of part of your screen

  1. Press Command (⌘)-Shift-4.
  2. Move the crosshair pointer to where you want to start the screenshot.
  3. Drag to select an area.
  4. When you’ve selected the area you want, release your mouse or trackpad button.
  5. Find the screenshot as a .png file on your desktop.
Apple MacOSX – Print screen was last modified: August 26th, 2015 by tabcom