Author Archives: tabcom

Apple Mac OS X Recovery

Recovery System

OS X Recovery includes a built in set of utilities as part of the Recovery System. You can use OS X Recovery to do the following:

  • Restore your Mac from a Time Machine backup.
  • Verify and repair connected drives using Disk Utility.
  • Check your Internet connection or get help online using Safari.
  • Install or reinstall OS X.

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Apple Mac OS X Recovery was last modified: May 26th, 2015 by tabcom

Why cleaning the Windows Registry does not speed up your computer

The Windows registry is a huge database of settings — both for Windows itself and for programs you install. For example, if you install a program, there’s a good chance that program would save its settings to the registry. Windows would also save pointers to that program. For example, if the program were registered as the default program for a certain file type, Windows would save a registry entry so it can remember that’s the default program.

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Why cleaning the Windows Registry does not speed up your computer was last modified: May 26th, 2015 by tabcom


Codeplex’ Cropper is a screen capture utility written in C#. It makes it fast and easy to grab parts of your screen. Use it to easily crop out sections of vector graphic files such as Fireworks without having to flatten the files or open in a new editor. Use it to easily capture parts of a web site, including text and images. It’s also great for writing documentation that needs images of your application or web site.

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Cropper was last modified: May 26th, 2015 by tabcom