Piriform Recuva is a file recovery utility. We’ve all deleted files by mistake, or without realizing we’d want them at some future point. Photographs, documents, music files, even emails – we’ve all had regrets. With Recuva, you can get them back quickly, safely, and easily. This compact Windows program does the work for you, scanning your drives for the files you need, then recovering them in a flash.
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Piriform Speccy
What’s in your computer? If you’re like most of us, you can probably name the processor (Intel or AMD, Celeron or Pentium), maybe how much RAM it has, and maybe how big the hard drive is.
Piriform Defraggler
Piriform Defraggler is a file system defragmenting utility. You can defragment an entire file system, a folder, or a single file. Tell Defraggler to search for files of a particular size or type. Or tell it to exclude files by name, file type, or other criteria.