This article describes the steps required for opening the case of a Sony Vaio Tap21 touch-screen all-in-one computer (svt21216cgb) and installing a replacement hard disk or solid state drive.
Knowledge Base
WordPress – How to add Google Structured Data to navigation menus
This article is aimed at those who have some knowledge of programming WordPress themes and is specifically about adding structured data to WordPress navigation menus.
Navigation menus in WordPress are generated by a function. You may need to manipulate the function to structure how navigation menus are rendered.
For instance, your site’s navigation menu may be generated with PHP code in your theme like this:
wp_nav_menu(['theme_location' => 'primary_navigation', 'walker' => MyNavWalker(), 'menu_class' => 'nav']);
Wired Networking + Telstra LTE 4G
If you need to connect to the internet but there are no ADSL services available, you may want to connect to the internet over the mobile phone network instead.
For wireless devices like laptops, tablets, smartphones and iPads you can either hotspot your device or purchase a ‘portable hotspot’ device.
If however you require a wired connection to the internet, options are somewhat limited.