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#100# on a mobile device

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Billing cycle

Telstra’s billing cycle does not start at the first day of the month and end on the last day of the month.  To find out how much of your mobile data plan you have consumed and when exactly your billing cycle starts and ends, use the following steps:

  1. Send an SMS text message containing the word ‘use’ to number ‘176’
  2. You will receive an SMS text message from Telstra containing information a) how much of your monthly data allowance you have used up to date, and b) how many days are left in your billing cycle.  You can use this information to determine the exact start and end date of your billing cycle.

USSD codes

Code Description
**61*101**seconds# Number of rings in seconds (15, 20, 25 or 30)
#61# Cancel divert when unanswered
#62# Cancel divert when unreachable
#67# Cancel divert when busy
#002# Cancel all diverts (disables voicemail; enables ‘message2text’ also known as ‘voice2text’ feature)
**004*101# Divert unanswered voice calls to voicemail (enables voicemail and disables ‘message2text’ / ‘voice2text’ feature).

Telstra Mobile Internet

APN (or “access point name”) is a setting on your mobile phone that lets you access mobile internet. The most basic settings are as follows:

APN: telstra.internet
Auth: *99#
Username: <blank>
Password: <blank>

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Telstra was last modified: March 16th, 2018 by tabcom

Windows 7 icon files


Windows 7 icon files was last modified: May 26th, 2015 by tabcom