Files and folders not visible


My computer was affected by a virus even though the virus scanner is up-to-date.  Now I can’t see any of my files and folders.


Changing the properties of files and folders to label them as ‘read-only’ files and folders and ‘system’ files and folders is an action a user is allowed to perform.  A malicious program (virus) can easily attempt to perform this operation.  Most users will have a setting ticked to not show system files and folders.  The effect of this action is that all files and folders appear to have been deleted.  This is not the case.


To label your files and folders as ‘regular’ files and folders you can use the following commands:

cd \
attrib * -s -h -r /s /d

Windows Explorer – Menu not visible

To display the Menu in Windows Explorer, use the following instructions:

Organize > Layout > tick "Menu Bar"


Folder Options > View tab > tick "Always show menus"
Files and folders not visible was last modified: February 13th, 2017 by tabcom