Introduction into 3D modelling using SketchUp Make

Next Training Session

Date: Wednesday 17 August 2016
Time: 08:00pm – 10:00pm
Location: (Rangeview) Tolga, QLD
Cost: $90
Subject Introduction to SketchUp Make


SketchUp (formerly Google Sketchup) is a 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications such as architectural, interior design, civil and mechanical engineering, film, and video game design—and available in a freeware version, SketchUp Make.  In this hands-on guided training session we will use ‘SketchUp Make’ 3D editing software to explore basic 3D modelling.

This 2 hour training session will teach you how to create and edit 2D shapes and 3D objects.  This course will provide basic training that will help master high-end 3D modelling software products like Autodesk’s 3dsmax and Maya or the open source product Blender.  If you are interested in 3D printing, this course will increase your understanding of rapid prototyping focused products like Solidworks or Slic3er.

Lesson plan

The lesson plan covers the following activities:

  1. Download and install ‘SketchUp Make’ 3D editing software.
  2. Introduction of the main program interface window and toolbar.
  3. Draw a line.
  4. Draw a rectangle.
  5. Move, rotate, scale.
  6. Extrude.
  7. CTRL + Extrude.
  8. Using the measurement tape.
  9. Creating shapes using the dimensions input field.
  10. Creating a simple piece of furniture (table, chair).
  11. How to create 45 degree angles (mitre joints).
  12. Creating reusable bulding blocks (components).

Expressions of interest

Use the ‘Contact Us’ page to inquire about availability and to register for this course.  It is recommended to bring a computer, but if none available one will be provided.  Thank you for your interest.

Introduction into 3D modelling using SketchUp Make was last modified: July 15th, 2016 by tabcom