SpaceSniffer is a freeWare (donations are welcome) and portable tool application that lets you understand how folders and files are structured on your disks. By using a Treemap visualization layout, you have immediate perception of where big folders and files are placed on your devices. Treemap concept was invented by Prof. Ben Shneiderman, who kindly permitted the use of his concept into this tool.
Author Archives: tabcom
Container div with float elements inside
Suppose we have a <div id=”container”> containing float:left, float:right and normal flow block and inline content. The container is given a width value.
I want the container div width to adjust to the width of the content inside. However, the container div will only shrink to fit the non-floating elements only. The floating elements will be either all the way out, or half out, half in, and not have any bearing on the size of the container div.
Example – Float left with fixed width container that is too small
HTML – CSS Float – Float basics
When you float an element it becomes a block box. This box can then be shifted to the left or right on the current line.