Knowledge Base

LTE 4G external antennas

What antenna do I need?

Selecting the Right Antenna

Before we begin it’s important to understand that you will need three pieces of equipment to improve your mobile signal:

  1. Antenna
  2. Cable
  3. Something to connect your cable to your phone/modem

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LTE 4G external antennas was last modified: December 3rd, 2015 by tabcom

AFP virus (Ukash virus)

The ‘Ukash Ransom‘ virus also known as the Australian Federal Police (AFP) virus is a computer virus which will display a bogus notification and pretends to be from the Australian Federal Police.  It states that your computer has been blocked due to it being involved with the distribution of inappropriate content.  The virus will display a lock screen and ask you to pay money (i.e. a non-existing fine).

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AFP virus (Ukash virus) was last modified: May 26th, 2015 by tabcom